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An open source, decentralized ponzi betting game

How to Play

Install MetaMask, and use it to place binary bets on token prices of ponzi schemes. You can bet either up or down, and your bets will be added to the fitting pool. A new game will start every 30 minutes. The first 15 minutes of each game are the time to place bets, while the last 15 minutes are for claiming bets. If the price went according to your bet, you will earn your bet back, plus a percentage of the opposing pool that is equal to the percentage your bet was out of your chosen pool. For example, if you bet UP using 1 ETH, and the UP pool had 2 ETH total when the placing bets phase was over, and the claim price was indeed higher than the bet price, you win your original bet back, plus 50% of the DOWN pool, since your bet (1 ETH) was 50% of your chosen pool (2 ETH); In case you lose, your bet amount will be divided by all members of the opposing pool, according to the bet size of each member.

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Q: Is this a real game?

A: Yes, this website uses our original smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. You can view the contract's code yourself by clicking here.

Q: Is this another one of those ponzi schemes?

A: No, this is a completly different concept we invented - this contract is not a ponzi, but rather a betting game on ponzi contracts.

Q: Is PonziBet secure?

A: Yes, we have put a lot of work into security and testing to make sure this website and contract are as secure as possible.

Q: Is this an investment service that will guarantee profits?

A: No, this is a game in which you could earn or lose money. Please only put in an amount you are willing to lose.

Q: How do you, the developers, profit from this game?

There is a 2% fee taken from bets in the game.